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John B. Watson's approach to human behavior, known as behaviorism, focused on observable behaviors and the environmental factors that shape them. In contrast, Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory emphasized the influence of unconscious drives and early childhood experiences on behavior. Watson believed that behavior could be modified through conditioning, while Freud emphasized the role of the unconscious mind in shaping behavior.

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Q: How was John B Watson approach to human behavior different from Sigmund Freud?
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John B Watson believed that psychology should involve the study of?

observable behavior and not internal mental processes. He focused on studying how external stimuli could influence and shape behavior through conditioning. Watson's approach laid the foundation for behaviorism in psychology.

Who is the Founder of behavioral approach?

The founder of the behavioral approach is John B. Watson. He is considered one of the pioneers of behaviorism in psychology. Watson believed that behavior could be scientifically studied and understood by focusing solely on observable behaviors and ignoring underlying mental processes.

Who is the major contributor to the behavioral approach in psychology?

B.F. Skinner is considered a major contributor to the behavioral approach in psychology. He is known for his work on operant conditioning and how behavior is influenced by its consequences. Skinner believed that behavior can be understood by studying the environmental factors that shape it.

Is sigmund freud the father of behaviorism?

No, Sigmund Freud is not considered the father of behaviorism. Behaviorism is a school of psychology founded by John B. Watson, which focuses on observable behaviors as opposed to internal mental processes like Freudian psychology. Freud is known for his psychoanalytic theory, which emphasizes unconscious motivations and childhood experiences in shaping behavior.

John B Watson's belief about studying human behavior?

John B. Watson believed that human behavior could be studied scientifically through observable behavior and external factors, rather than focusing on internal mental processes. He emphasized the influence of environmental factors on behavior and advocated for behaviorism as a more objective and measurable approach to understanding human actions.

Related questions

John B Watson believed that psychology should involve the study of?

observable behavior and not internal mental processes. He focused on studying how external stimuli could influence and shape behavior through conditioning. Watson's approach laid the foundation for behaviorism in psychology.

Who is the Founder of behavioral approach?

The founder of the behavioral approach is John B. Watson. He is considered one of the pioneers of behaviorism in psychology. Watson believed that behavior could be scientifically studied and understood by focusing solely on observable behaviors and ignoring underlying mental processes.

Who is the major contributor to the behavioral approach in psychology?

B.F. Skinner is considered a major contributor to the behavioral approach in psychology. He is known for his work on operant conditioning and how behavior is influenced by its consequences. Skinner believed that behavior can be understood by studying the environmental factors that shape it.

Is sigmund freud the father of behaviorism?

No, Sigmund Freud is not considered the father of behaviorism. Behaviorism is a school of psychology founded by John B. Watson, which focuses on observable behaviors as opposed to internal mental processes like Freudian psychology. Freud is known for his psychoanalytic theory, which emphasizes unconscious motivations and childhood experiences in shaping behavior.

John B Watson's belief about studying human behavior?

John B. Watson believed that human behavior could be studied scientifically through observable behavior and external factors, rather than focusing on internal mental processes. He emphasized the influence of environmental factors on behavior and advocated for behaviorism as a more objective and measurable approach to understanding human actions.

What were the implications of Watson's child rearing approach on Americans?

Watson's child-rearing approach emphasized strict discipline and behavior modification, which influenced many Americans to adopt a more structured and authoritarian parenting style. This approach had a long-lasting impact on parenting practices in America, contributing to a shift towards more authoritarian and controlling methods in child-rearing. It also promoted a focus on obedience and conformity in children.

Is Byron Watson a bully?

I do not have any information on Byron Watson being a bully. It's important to remember that bullying behavior can manifest in different ways and should be addressed appropriately if witnessed or experienced.

What were the focus of Watson's behaviorism?

Watson's behaviorism focused on observable behavior as the primary focus of psychology. He believed that behavior could be explained through conditioning and that external factors, rather than internal mental processes, determined behavior. Watson emphasized the importance of environmental influences in shaping behavior.

Who you the founder of behaviorism?

John B. Watson is often credited as the founder of behaviorism. He believed that psychology should focus on observable behaviors rather than internal mental processes. Watson's work helped shape the behaviorist approach to psychology which emphasizes the importance of environmental influences on behavior.

What are the different definitions of psychology with authors?

"Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior" - William James. "Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes" - American Psychological Association. "Psychology is the science of human behavior and mental processes" - John Watson.

What was Watsons fundamental disagreement with Freuds approach?

Watson disagreed with Freud's emphasis on unconscious processes and the importance of early childhood experiences in shaping personality. Watson believed that behaviorism should focus on observable behaviors that could be scientifically studied and manipulated, rather than on subjective experiences like those proposed by Freud. Watson's approach was more focused on environmental factors influencing behavior, while Freud's psychoanalytic theory emphasized inner conflicts and unconscious desires.

Who first defined psychology as the study of behavior?

John B. Watson, an American psychologist, is often credited with defining psychology as the study of behavior in the early 20th century. Watson's school of thought, known as behaviorism, emphasized the importance of observable behavior in understanding human psychology.