

How was Massachusetts settlements?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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how was Massachusetts settlements

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Q: How was Massachusetts settlements?
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It is unknown

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These are four of the settlements started where a river joined the ocean?

While there have been many settlements within the United States since the country gained its independence from Great Britain. There are 4 settlements in specific that started where a river joined the ocean. These four settlements include Rhode Island, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Delaware.

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Each group of settlers created a community based on religious beliefs

What are the first English settlements in the us?

Jamestown, Roanoke, Ralph Lane i think might want to research more

Established settlements in Maine and New Hampshire?

Maine was a part of Massachusetts until the decades leading up to the Civil War, when it was added as a free state so that there would be an equal number of slave states and free states. There were French and English settlements in New Hampshire in the early 17th century.

What are the names of setllements?

Nucleated settlements Concentric settlements Spared settlements Mid-Rural area settlements