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Catholic AnswerPope Gregory IX (1227-1241) became pope when he was already an old man - over eighty when he was elected, and he reigned for fourteen years. Pope Gregory was particularly hard on heretics, especially those who proved obstinate, he took the trial of heretics away from the local Bishops and gave it to the Dominican Order, this was called the monastic crusade, especially as many penitents were incarcerated in Benedictine monasteries. From the Catholic Encyclopedia article (see link below):

Gregory IX was very severe towards heretics, who in those times were universally looked upon as traitors and punished accordingly. Upon the request of King Louis IX of France, he sent Cardinal Romanus as legate to assist the king in his crusade against the Albigenses. At the synod which the papal legate convened at Toulouse in November, 1229, it was decreed that all heretics and their abettors should be delivered to the nobles and magistrates for their due punishment, which, in case of obstinacy, was usually death. When in 1224 Frederick II ordered that heretics in Lombardy should be burnt at the stake, Gregory IX, who was then papal legate for Lombardy, approved and published the imperial law.

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Q: How was Pope Gregory IX affected by the witch hunts of the middle ages?
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What are some examples of modern day witch hunts?

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Are there witch hunts now?

There are actual witch hunts going on today in some parts of the world, though the people of the rest of the world know better than to hunt for actual witches. There are things metaphorically called witch hunts going on today in parts of the world where people know better than to hunt for actual witches. Sometimes the things metaphorically called witch hunts are worse. There is a link to an article on witch hunts below.

What was the purpose of the witch hunts?

Witch hunts were motivated by superstitious fear. Since people in the middle ages had no understanding of most of the aspects of their lives, such as the causes of disease, the causes of bad weather, and so forth, they tried to explain everything in terms of supernatural causes. If something bad happened, it must be the result of a witch's curse. So, the witch had to be found and killed.

Why did the witch hunts take place?

In Plilibelpia!

What is a witch finder?

a person employed to carry out witch-hunts and identify witches.

What groups were particularly vulnerable to the witch hunts?

Women. In the middle ages, they were generally considered to be far more vulnerable to evil and corruption than men, which led to the vast majority of the people killed during the witch hunts to be female. Theoritically though, nobody was safe from being accused of witchcraft.

What is the origin of the phrase 'witch hunt'?

Witch hunt actually originates from with hunts in past centuries. From 1480 to 1750 is considered the classical period of witch hunts. The last executions happened in the 18th century.

Who started the 1892 witch hunts?

Do you mean 1692?

What part did medieval witch hunts play in medieval times?

The European witch-hunts we hear about mostly come from after the Middle Ages. There were people tried as witches during the Middle Ages, but not in very great numbers. The laws of Charlemagne forbade punishing the practice of witchcraft with execution of any type unless it could be proven they had actually killed someone with a curse. The Lombard legal code was similar.

Where were witch hunts held in colonial America?

Salem, Massachusetts

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Innocent people are accused

Which Salem is the one from the witch hunts?

Old Salem, Massachussetts.