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she wasn't - you don't have to be canonised to be a saint (certainly in early medieval period)

Samthann (Old Irish); Samhthann (Mod. Irish) pronounced 'sav-han', foundress/abbess of Clonbroney monastery, Co. Longford. She died in 739 and her feast-day is 19 December.

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Saint Samthann was never formally canonized by the Catholic Church. In early Christian tradition, many saints were venerated locally without an official canonization process. Samthann's status as a saint is therefore recognized more through popular devotion and tradition.

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There is no Saint Samantha. However, there is a Saint Samthann of Clonbroney (Ireland) from the 8th century. She was declared a saint by popular acclamation and not canonized. The canonization process was not instituted until the 11th or 12th century.

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There is no Saint Samantha. However, there is a Saint Samthann of Clonbroney (Ireland) from the 8th century. She was declared a saint by popular acclamation and not canonized. The canonization process was not instituted until the 11th or 12th century. No patronages are listed for her.

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Saint Samthann, also known as Samthann of Clonbroney, was born in the 7th century, around the year 620.

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The feast of Saint Samthann of Clonbroney is December 18.

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There is no widely recognized saint named Samantha in Christianity. It's possible you may be referring to a different figure or tradition. Let me know if you need information on a specific saint or person.

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Where can you find information on Saint Samantha?

You can find information on Saint Samantha in religious texts, such as hagiographies or books detailing the lives of saints. Additionally, you may find information through reputable websites dedicated to saints and religious figures. It's important to verify the credibility of the sources you consult to ensure accurate information.

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