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Defeating the Confederacy, and restoring the integrity of the United States.

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Q: How was fighting the civil war preserving the union?
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What is Abe Lincoln remembered for?

preserving the union in the civil war

Who was fighting during the civil war?

The Confederates and The Union

When did the war change from a battle over preserving the union to a war to end salary?

I think you meant slavery? The American Civil War was always about preserving the Union. The South wanted a separate state with slavery, the north wanted a union without slavery.

What did the union soldiers think they were fighting for during the civil war?

The Union soldiers thought that they were fighting for slaves to be free.

Who is fighting in the civil war?

South or The Confederacy and the North or The Union

Who were the sides that were fighting in the civil war?

The North, Union, and the South, Confederates.

What the north's main reason for fighting in the civil war?

to preserve the Union

What was the original reasonfor fighting the civil war?

Union vs States Rights.

The initial goal of the federal government in fighting the Civil War was to?

Preserve the Union

Why is the union important to the civil war?

because they were fighting in it, and... well i think that covers it.

What did the Union stand for in the civil war?

The Union was the official name of the United States government during the civil war. It stood for the portion of the United States fighting to abolish slavery.

The US general in the Civil War was...?

As might be expected, the Union had a number of officers with the rank of general in the US Civil War. At the end of the war, however, US Grant was in charge of the Union's fighting forces.