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The ancient Romans wrote things down, made accounts of things; letters have been discovered, and since people can read Latin, they have been able to decipher things.

There has also been a lot of archaeological evidence found: coins, pottery etc..

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Q: How was information about Rome discovered?
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Who discovered Ancient Rome?

who discovered ancient rome is that i dont know who did but.......... YEAH ha ha ha

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Rome was not discovered, it was created and founded

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How did you discover Rome?

Rome was not discovered so much as it was founded as a city in Europe, eventually becoming an empire that lasted for centuries. Rome was said to be founded in 753 BC.

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No one discovered Rome. Rome still exists. It is the capital of Italy, the seat of the Pope, one of the major tourist cities in the world and it has 3 million inhabitants. The foundation of Rome did not involve the building of a city. It refers to the creation of the Roman city-state by Romulus, the first king of Rome. He unified the separate settlements on what were to be the Seven Hills of Rome under his rule in 753 BC. Evidence of settlements on these hills go back to 12,000 BC.

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I believe lead was known from way in the ancient times somewhere in Rome.

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It is not known. We do not even know when exactly they started using concrete.

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It was discovered in the year 1610. See the related link for more information.

Who founded the city Rome?

Rome was not discovered. It still exists (and is now the capital of Italy and a city of three million) and therefore does not need to be discovered. The foundation of Rome involved the unification of separate and independent settlements on what were to become the Seven Hills of Rome into a single city-state headed by a king. It also involved a fusion between Latins who lived on five of the hills and Sabines who lived on two of the hills. It is thought that the city was named after Romulus, its founder and first king.