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Q: How was it known as that devanam piyadasi and ashoka were the same person?
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What was Ashoka known for?

Ashoka Maurya ruled much of the Indian subcontinent in the third century B. C. He is famous for his conversion to Buddhism.

Definition of asoka?

Ashoka Maurya, commonly known as Ashoka and also as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from circa 269 BCE to 232 BCE.

Who was known for his famous conversion to Buddhism?

Ashoka, the Mauryan emperor of India

Which religions was embraced by Emperor Ashoka (also known as Ashoka the Great)?

Emperor Ashoka is believed to have converted to Buddhism after the bloody Kalinga War, which changed his thinking. He gave up his kingdom and became a Buddhist monk.

Which Emperor led the Maurya Empire and was known for granting religious freedom?

King Ashoka in his rock edicts

Why is Ashoka A King?

He is a King because he believes that people should not get hurt and people should not be slaves and many more. He is known for being really nice.

Who is the Indian ruler who spread Buddhism to eastern Asia?

Siddhartha Gautama,is the founder of Buddhism,but is commonly known as Buddha.

When did Emperor Ashoka ascended to the throne?

He came to Throne of Mauryan Empire in 273 B.C

Did Ashoka the great go to school?

As Ashoka was born into a royal family, it would make sense that he did have some sort of formal education. He also was known for his fighting skills as a young child, so he also was entered into royal military training where he would have been schooled in miliraty tactics and fighting forms.

Who was the ruler of Mauryan empire?

Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan Empire after defeating Dhana Nanda (the last king of the Nanda dynasty) assisted by Kautilya (Chanakya). It is said that Chandragupta would not have succeeded in defeating Dhana Nanda without the help of Kautilya. However, the greatest ruler of the Mauryan Empire was Ashoka, who is known to have been an invader first and then a peace-loving Buddhist missionary. Ashoka ordered the preaching of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, China, Burma, Indonesia and many other nations during his reign. Also, Ashoka was the best ruler because he made Mauyra powerful and steady.

What was Ashoka best known for?

Ashoka was a great king of the Maurya dynasty who ruled a large empire in the Indian subcontinent roughly in the 3rd century BC. Among the many violent wars he fought, the most famous is the war of Kalinga, which Ashoka won but only after immense violence and bloodshed. The war of Kalinga moved Asoka so much, he subsequently gave up violence and converted to Buddhism. He is subsequently known for building many Buddhist structures and spreading the religion in and out of the subcontinent. Among the structures he commissioned is an emblem which is now the official Emblem of India.