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Q: How was manufacturing done before the industrial revolution?
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How did the Industrial Revolution effect in American?

before the revoloution , manufacturing was done by hand or simple machines the industrial revolution took manufacturing out of the home and workshop. power driven machines replaced handwork

How was cotton production and distribution done in india before the industrial revolution?

Cotton production and distribution in India before the industrial revolution was done in large-scale.

The Industrial Revolution was the development and use of what?

The Industrial Revolution was characterized by the use of machines to do work that humans and animals had previously done. It led to mass manufacturing and railroad transport.

Did people have to hide in shelters during the Industrial Revolution?

No the industrial revolution was not the type of revolution where there was any bombing being done. It was a revolution in the method of production.

How was manufacturing accomplished prior to industrialization?

Manufacturing was done by hand, or by using animal power or simple machines. Most people worked at home in rural areas. A few worked in shops in towns and belonged to associations called guilds. The Industrial Revolution eventually took manufacturing out of the home and workshop.

Where in Canada was most of the manufacturing done before 1890?

not sure

How was manufacturing before robots were used in the process?

EVERYTHING was done by a person.

How Industrial Revolution bring prosperity?

The Industrial Revolution brought prosperity by transforming economies, increasing production efficiency, and creating new job opportunities. It introduced new technologies, such as steam engines and mechanized production, which allowed for mass production of goods and increased productivity. This led to economic growth, higher incomes, improved living standards, and the emergence of a middle class.

How revolutionary was the industrial revolution?

The definition of a revolution is a "fast" change or overturn in power or the way something is done. This can happen both politically or with force. In short, it is a quick change in power or way of life. Though the industrial revolution was over all peaceful, it still technically is considered a revolution.

The Industrial Revolution was the development and use of?

the army========Usually industrial revolution refers to establishment of factories using heavy machinery to do jobs formerly done by hand, for examples mills to spin thread and weave cloth.

What important did the demand for cotton play in the industrial revolution?

very good question man well done

What important role did the demand for play in the industrial revolution?

very good question man well done