

How was propaganda used in the U.S?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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7y ago

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Propaganda was used during the Holocaust to convince Germans that the Jewish people were not equals. Propaganda started at an early age with books endorsing racism and antisemitism being provided to children in elementary school.

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Q: How was propaganda used in the U.S?
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Propaganda is any form of media used to convince people of something. The word propaganda is a noun.

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No propaganda technique is used in your question, since you did not give the sentence that you're asking about.

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Flattery propaganda is a form of propaganda that involves using excessive compliments or praise to manipulate or persuade individuals or a group of people. It is used to boost morale, gain favor, or influence behavior by appealing to emotions and vanity.

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Propaganda is designed to break the will of the enemy and raise the will of the side promoting the propaganda.

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Propaganda for advertising is used to promote products or services to consumers, often by exaggerating their benefits. On the other hand, propaganda for political leveraging is used to manipulate public opinion or promote a specific agenda by distorting or manipulating information to sway political outcomes. While both types of propaganda aim to influence people, they serve different purposes and target different audiences.