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Well it depends who's point of view you look at, for example, a British or American soldier would call Nazi soldiers names and refer to them with slang terms and obviously they killed them because they were the enemy, so they obviously hated them . A German civilian say, would probably of looked upon them as heroes, for the fact that they are fighting and risking their lives for their leader (Hitler) and for their country and its people. Also, think of the way Jews and some prisoners of war were treated, the conditions they lived in and lack of food, them people and sufferers would definitely not think of Nazis as much. So Nazi soldiers have different popularity levels, it just depends who's perspective you look at!

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They became popular because the people were tired of the living conditions that followed the Great Depression and the Weimar Republic's failure to solve them, the Nazi party promised change to the Germans and that appealed to them

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The Nazis promised a quick fix to all the problems that had come to them from World War 1. They promised to return Germany to its old glorius state.

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Because Hitler manipulated them and he got away with it and now he is one of the most infamous person on earth

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Q: How did the Nazi Party gain Popularity in Germany?
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What allowed Hitler and the Nazi party to gain in Germany so quickly?

Hitler was clever enough to utilize the general public frustration in Germany about the state of the economy (which was terrible in the 1930's) and the residual anger about the Treaty of Versailles, as well as the very foolish desire of anti-Semitic Germans to blame everything on the Jews.

When did Surrealism gain popularity?

In the 1920s.

Why was the Nazi Party able to gain such widespread support among the German people by 1932?

It was able to gain such widespread support due to the fact of the new tactics the Nazis imposed. They vowed not to use violence ..;... etc ect

How did the Chinese communist party gain popularity china?

The communist party in China has never been popular. They over threw the Emperor and took over the government. It was to go along with the program or die. They had "reeducation " camps for people and in these they were to learn how to be communists. A communist government controls all aspects of a persons life and the very essence of this type of government is control over the people they govern.

Why did the Nazi's agree with Hitler?

The Nazi party was dedicated entirely to the racial supremacy of the Aryan race, and the death or enslavement of all other, supposedly inferior races But this was well before The Nazi party came to power, the reason people so easily accepted the Nazi Party was because of the great depression their country was in ruins and they saw Hitler as like a beacon of hope a way to get their country up and running again but the real story behind it was Hitler didn't actually gain power the communist party actually got more votes but Hitler was Given power as he was given the title Chancellor from Hindenburg technically the people didn't accept the Nazi party, Hindenburg gave power to Hitler because he thought he could control him which in the end he couldn't, The people did no accept the Nazi party how could an entire race of people be so stupid to fool for his empty promises and false propaganda it's absurd. ------------------------------- Not true, i suspect that it was the edit. partically true,about the depresseion but Htiler did get more votes than the communist parties but he had his(sa) to impose fear on opponents such as the communist party ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nazi party was not "dedicated entirely to the racial supremacy of the Aryan race", that was only one small part of their policies. Nor were they "the death or enslavement of all other, supposedly inferior races", if they wanted to kill all of the suposedly inferior races, then they would have had to kill most of their allies. In one of the early elections the Communist party did get close to the same number of votes, but this did not last through 1932 and 33. The people not only accepted the Nazi party, they voted favoured it over any other party and they formed a minority government. Hindenburg did not think that he could control Hitler, but he knew that if he did not make Hitler Chancellor, then they would have to hold fresh elections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ People accepted the Nazis because they were the way forward, they showed a way out of the troubles ahead. The people could not predict what would happen later because not even the Nazi leaders could have predicted it.

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Rise of the nazi party in Germany

Why did the Nazi party gain strength in Germany?

Nazi gained power and strength over Germany because, they used propaganda, terror and rallies to gain support of the german people.

Why did the nazi party create World War 2?

Ostensibly, it was to gain more living space for Germany's swelling population.

When did the Nazi party gain control of the Reichstag?

The Nazi party became the largest political party in Germany following the 6th Reichstag elections on July 31, 1932. As a result of the election the Nazi party received 37.3% of the popular vote (an increase of 19%) and 230 seats in the Reichstag (an increase of 123)

Was the Nazi party build to kill all Jews?

No it wasn't. It was made to gain power in Germany then retake the land Germany lost in the treaty of Versailies and rebuild Germany's former glory

What year did Hitler gain power over Germany and what was his position called?

Hitlers rise to power was on 1919 where he joined the Deutsche Arbeiterpartie (Nazi party) on 1933 he was called the fuhrer of Germany

What year did the Nazi party gain power?

January 30th 1933

Who was Joseph Goebbels?

He was one of Hitlers closest associates and was a strong follower of the Nazi party. He worked with the Nazi party and helped them gain support in Berlin. HE was minister of propaganda (ideas and ways to gain publicity and votes etc) He was important in gaining all the seats they did in the reichstag (parliment)

What happened in Russia and Germany when the Communist party took over?

they gain independents

What factors led to the rise of totalitarian governments in Italy and Germany?

William Shirer's "Rise andFall of theThird Reich" is all about this topic. Germany after WWW was left us such poor economic condition, and its people so disenfranchised, that the NAZI Party could gain a limited but dedicated following.

Who was Adolf Hitler and how he gain power in Germany?

Adolf Hitler was a German dictator and the Nazi party leader in the early to mid 1900s. He gained power by appealing to the German people's anger at the Treaty of Versailles which ended World War I. He blamed Germany's loss in WWI on the Jews and promised to return Germany to its former glory.

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To gain popularity means to suddenly become popular and have a lot of "followers"