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Nazi gained power and strength over Germany because, they used Propaganda, terror and rallies to gain support of the german people.

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Q: Why did the Nazi party gain strength in Germany?
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Ostensibly, it was to gain more living space for Germany's swelling population.

When did the Nazi party gain control of the Reichstag?

The Nazi party became the largest political party in Germany following the 6th Reichstag elections on July 31, 1932. As a result of the election the Nazi party received 37.3% of the popular vote (an increase of 19%) and 230 seats in the Reichstag (an increase of 123)

Was the Nazi party build to kill all Jews?

No it wasn't. It was made to gain power in Germany then retake the land Germany lost in the treaty of Versailies and rebuild Germany's former glory

What year did Hitler gain power over Germany and what was his position called?

Hitlers rise to power was on 1919 where he joined the Deutsche Arbeiterpartie (Nazi party) on 1933 he was called the fuhrer of Germany

What year did the Nazi party gain power?

January 30th 1933

Who was Joseph Goebbels?

He was one of Hitlers closest associates and was a strong follower of the Nazi party. He worked with the Nazi party and helped them gain support in Berlin. HE was minister of propaganda (ideas and ways to gain publicity and votes etc) He was important in gaining all the seats they did in the reichstag (parliment)

How did germany gain such military strength before World War 2?

Brilliant leadership, patriotism, and the large population of Germany.

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What factors led to the rise of totalitarian governments in Italy and Germany?

William Shirer's "Rise andFall of theThird Reich" is all about this topic. Germany after WWW was left us such poor economic condition, and its people so disenfranchised, that the NAZI Party could gain a limited but dedicated following.

Who was Adolf Hitler and how he gain power in Germany?

Adolf Hitler was a German dictator and the Nazi party leader in the early to mid 1900s. He gained power by appealing to the German people's anger at the Treaty of Versailles which ended World War I. He blamed Germany's loss in WWI on the Jews and promised to return Germany to its former glory.

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A serious economic crisis