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they are the same because the writing looks the same but the difference is that they mean different then the other writes

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Q: How was the Phoenicians system of writing simalar to the cuneiform of the ancient Egyptians and how was it different?
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Are Phoenicians Egyptians?

NO. Phoenicians are a people who are indigenous to modern Lebanon, but who established colonies throughout the Mediterranean, most notably Carthage in modern Tunisia. The Ancient Egyptians were a completely different, but contemporaneous civilization that existed in modern Egypt.

What ancient practice did the Phoenicians adopt from the egyptians?

The Phoenician adopted the Egyptian alphabet.

Where did Phoenicians learn their gold working skills?

The Phoenicians likely learned their gold working skills from the Egyptians, who were known for their advanced goldsmithing techniques. The Phoenicians traded extensively with the Egyptians and other civilizations in the ancient Near East, allowing them to acquire and adopt various skills and knowledge in different fields, including goldworking.

Is hieroglyphics and cuneiform the same thing?

No, hieroglyphics and cuneiform are not the same thing. Hieroglyphics is the writing system used by ancient Egyptians, characterized by pictorial symbols, while cuneiform is the writing system used by ancient Mesopotamians, characterized by wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.

What civilizations used the cuneiform?

The civilization that used cuneiform was Egyptians. this was diffrent from hieroglyphics because cuneiform was used to write books, poems, and just to give to our archaeologists today what important things they had back then. No,cuneiform was used by the ancient mesopotamian people. Over thousands of years, Mesopotamian wrinting recorded daily events, trade, astronomy, and literature on clay tablets. Cuneiform was used by people throughout the ancient times to write several different languages.

What are the three ancient civilizations?

there are loads and loads! The three most people know are of course Egypt, Greece and Rome

What is the system of writing in ancient Mesopotamia?

Cuneiform was used by the ancient Sumerians

Where was cuneiform invented?

The ancient Summarians invented cuneiform.

What is the oldest known writing system?

the earliest or oldest known system of writing is Cuneiform.

How was hieroglyphic writing different from cuneiform?

Hieroglyphic writing was a system of pictorial symbols used by ancient Egyptians, whereas cuneiform was a system of wedge-shaped characters used by ancient Mesopotamians. Hieroglyphs were mostly used for religious and monumental inscriptions, while cuneiform was used for a wide range of purposes, including administrative records, literature, and legal texts. Additionally, hieroglyphs could represent both sound and meaning, while cuneiform mainly represented meaning.

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Which pair of the ancient people lived in the region called the Levant?

The Hebrews and Phoenicians were the two ancient people that lived in the Levant.