

How was the car battery invented?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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11y ago

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It happened when some random guy was thinking about a car and batterie.

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Sonny Borer

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1y ago
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Who invented battery cars?

No one invented a specific electric car battery, it was more a gradual thing starting with a generic battery and then step by step changing it to something more suited for the specific requirements of a car.

Who invented electric car batteries?

No one invented a specific electric car battery, it was more a gradual thing starting with a generic battery and then step by step changing it to something more suited for the specific requirements of a car.

How was the first car battery invented?

It happened when some random guy was thinking about a car and batterie.

Who invented the first car battery?

a french physicist, Gaston Plante in 1859

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he invented a 3 wheeled battery operated car at 13

Who was the first person invented the battery?

Alessandro Volta invented the first battery and Gaston Planté invented the first rechargeable battery.

When was the solar battery invented?

The first solar battery was invented in 1954.

Who invented the battery cables for cars?

Probably the same guy who first stuck a battery in a car. A battery by itself isn't any use, you need to hook it up to something, and that's when you need cables.

Does a car battery have mercury in it?

No, a car battery does not have mercury in it. It would be very dangerous to have mercury in a car battery.

What are two differences between a car battery and a flashlight battery?

there are lots more amps in a car battery eg there about 1.5 in a flash light and in a car battery there about 300 A car battery is a wet cell battery and a flashlight battery is a dry cell battery.

Is the element mercury in a car battery?

No merc is not in a car battery