

How was the city of Rome laid out?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How was the city of Rome laid out?
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Did ancient Rome have many mountains?

Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.

Why is Rome an important city?

laid the foundations for the modern countries of today. if u go on Google theres a link 2 it.................haha this is my homework for tonight

Is rome the largest city in Italy?

Rome is not a country. Rome is a city. It is the largest city in Italy.

Capital city of Rome?

Rome, Italy. Rome is a city.

What is Rome's largest city?

Rome is a city.

Does Rome have a beach?

Rome do not have beaches as Rome is a city and city's do not have beaches!

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Rome is the capital city of Italy. It is located in the Lazio region.

When was the foundation stone for the city of valletta laid?

The foundation stone for the City of Valletta was laid in 1566.

What of the cultures laid the foundation of European civilization?

Ancient Rome

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Rome is a city, and is the capital of Italy.

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Rome is the capital city of Italy