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the difference is that Abraham Lincoln was in the civil war and the American revolution was the 13 colonies vs the English

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Q: How was the civil war different from the American Revolution?
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How was the civil was different from the American revolution?

the difference is that Abraham Lincoln was in the civil war and the American revolution was the 13 colonies vs the English

Which war was first Civil War American Revolution Mexican American War or War of 1812?

American Revolution

How were the french and American revolution alike and different?

The French revolution was a class struggle and social revolution similar to a civil war. The American revolution was a colonial insurrection in which the colonies were fighting for autonomy.

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The Texas Revolution, the Mexican-American War and eventually, the American Civil War.

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What wars have been in the western hemisphere?

American Civil War , the Mexican Revolution, and the Spanish Civil War :)

What were some civil wars that happened outside of the American Civil War?

Some consider the french revolution a civil war

Which war was fought only in America?

the civil war and the American revolution. how do u not no about that??????

How effective was the American Revolution?

Not very effective as the civil war, but the American revolution was important because it was the war that gave up Independence from England.

How was the revolutionary war a civil war?

It was a Civil War only because the Americans were divided between Loyalist and Patriot. The American Revolution is not considered a civil war.

What did george washongton do in the Civil War?

Wrong war. Washington was in the American Revolution and the War of Independence.

What was the effect of the American Revolution on slavery?

The American Revolution did not effect slavery. It was the Civil War that had the biggest effect on slavery in the US.