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Q: How was the economy of royal Georgia different from trustee Georgia?
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What is the difference between the trustee and the royal colony?

royal-run by governor trustee-run by trustee

What is the difference between a trustee colony and a royal colony?

A Royal Colony is when they are under the king control. A Trustee Colony is when they are just workers for the king.

What type of legislature did the colony of Georgia have as a trustee colony?

I believe it was unicameral. I t was later changed to a bicameral when it changed into a royal colony.

What crops did thre royal colony grow in Georgia?

The colonists who lived in Georgia grew a lot of different crops. Some of the most common were rice, tobacco, and indigo, and especially cotton, which was a cash crop that the Southern economy relied on to survive.

What is the trustee period?

It is a period when James Oglethorpe left Georgia and left the trustees in charge of Georgia. The trustees weren't doing a good job so King George the second stepped in and that is when Georgia became a royal colony. done by Christina Scarlett whose in 8th grade

Why did the highland Scots and salzburgers not approve of slavery in the royal colony?

The highland Scots and Salzburgers may not have approved of slavery in the royal colony because of their strong religious or moral beliefs that were against the practice of owning humans as property. Additionally, they may have had personal experiences that shaped their views on the inhumanity and injustice of slavery.

How did life in Georgia change in 1752?

Georgia became a royal colony in 1752

Who controlled Georgia after it became a royal colony?

When Georgia became a royal colony, the first royal governor was John Reynolds, who answered to the British government. He proved to be ineffective as governor and was replaced by Henry Ellis.

was Georgia a royal proprietary or corporate colony?

Royal Colony

How long had Virginia been a royal colony when ga became a royal colo?

Virginia was a royal colony for 45 years before Georgia became a royal colony. Virginia became a royal colony in 1707 and Georgia became one in 1752.

Why was Georgia no longer considered a royal colony in 1776?

Under royal control the colony of Georgia changed rapidly. Slaves were imported, and cotton and rice plantations were established. And Georgia prospered

How long had Virginia been a Royal Colonoy when Georgia became a Royal Colony?

128 Yearsz. . .