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Q: How was the fight over tariffs related to the issue of states rights?
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For states rights

What are the five main causes of the civil war?

1.economic and social differences between the north and south 2. states rights vs. federal rights 3.fight between pro-slavery and abolition 4.growth of the abolition movement 5.the election of 1980-Abraham Lincoln

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She thought women needed to fight for their rights.

What conflict of long-range consequences did the nullification crisis highlight?

This showed the fight between states' rights and federal rights. It was difficult to find a good balance between the two.

Did the US fight the war of 1812 over the issue of states' rights?

No, the British were stopping American ships and taking off sailors. This was called impressment. The States rights issue was the civil war over a hundred years later.

Why was the 14th Amendment significant to the Civil Rights Movement?

It ensured that states guaranteed all people born or naturalized in the U.S. the rights granted by the Bill of Rights.

What do you fight for?

you could fight for any thing even rights

If you have sole custody and the respondant does not have visitation rights does the respondant have any parental rights?

Generally a parent with visitation rights is a non-custodial parent. You need to check the court orders. See related question link.

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fight for the rights of unskilled laborers

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To establish territories and mating rights.

What kind of fight did Martin Luther King fight for?

Civil rights.