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Q: How was the government of Texas organized after independence?
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San Antonio

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What is the document that included the first attempt at the organized government which was later replaced?

Declaration of independence

What words tell how governments should be organized?

democracy and Independence because they are both used for the government

When is the Texas independence day celebrated?

The date of 'Texas Independence from Mexico' is March 2, 1836. On this day, organized settlers (mostly of European descent) declared themselves to have formed a new nation, rejecting Mexican governance in the process. Texas remained independent until being peacefully annexed to the United States in 1846.

Why did the Mexican government allow U.S. citizens to immigrate into Texas?

To pay for their war of independence from Spain

What was the war for Independence?

The Texas War of Independence, also known as the Texas Revolution, was a conflict between the Mexican government against insurgent settlers in the Texas territory that began on October 2, 1835 and concluded on April 21, 1836. The conflict concluded with the militaristic defeat of the Mexican government at the Battle of San Jacinto, which ultimately resulted in the creation of the Republic of Texas.

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How was the colonial government organized?

What is Texas independence day?

Texas Independence Day is a celebration of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836.

Why did Texas declare their independence from Mexico?

They declared their independence because they were no longer satisfied with the original settlement agreement they had made with the Government of Mexico and they expected support from the U.S.

What is the Difference between The declaration of independence and the Texas one?

The Declaration of Independence, signed in 1776, was a document adopted by the American colonies, declaring their independence from British rule. It outlined grievances against the King and asserted the rights of the people. The Texas Declaration of Independence, signed in 1836, declared Texas's independence from Mexico. While both declarations sought independence, the Texas Declaration emphasized the right to self-government and protection of slavery, which reflected the unique circumstances and concerns of the Texas settlers.

How did the Turks respond to the Allied takeover of the Ottoman Empire afterWorld War I?

They organized a resistance movement and gained independence from the allies