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Q: How was the political and economic situation in the US after World War 1?
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World War I was a significant turning point in the political, cultural, economic, and social climate of the world

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economic problems

What was the political situation in Japan at the end of World War 1?

The military had stronger influence after WWI.

What were the effects of the First World War?

Read this, it will tell you!:

What best describes the political situation in China between World War 1 and World War 2?

a conflict between nationalist and communist movements

What three political and economic theories were in conflict during world war 2?

Communism, democracy and neocolonialism

What type of foreign policy political and economic did the Republican administrations follow after World War 1?

World war one lead to the great ddepression and the seven year war.

What are the political economic and social consequences after world war 2 in the US?

The Cold War; the rivalry between capitalist America and communist Russia.

How did the revolutionary war affect Americas economic situation?

it created economic problems.