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Q: How was the scientific revolution related to the enlightenment ideas?
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Did the Scientific Revolution form the basis of the Enlightenment?

yes it did because people started to use reason to solve society's problems.... Enlightenment ideas came of the ideas of the Scientific Revolution

Which ideas of the Enlightenment were inspired by the Scientific Revolution?

Reason and Logic

What ideas of the Enlightenment were inspired by the Scientific Revolution?

reason and logic

What was not one of the Enlightenment ideas that promoted revolution in France?

The Scientific Method

What 2 revolutions were directly affected by the enlightenment ideas?

American Revolution and French Revolution. They were both justified themselves with Enlightenment ideals.

One way in which the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were similar is that they?

encouraged the spread of new ideas

Which period of history had the greatest influence on the enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason?

Scientific Revolution

Which period of history had the greatest influence on enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason?

Scientific Revolution

The enlightenment and the great awakening caused?

The ideas of the enlightenment mostly influenced American revolution.

Some of the ideas from the enlightenment led to the?

Some of the ideas from the enlightenment led to the American Revolution.

Which of these was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment-?

The ideas of the enlightenment mostly influenced American revolution. The Declaration of Independence-apex

How did the Enlightenment ideas influence the American Revolution and Constitution?

It rejected traditional social, religious, and political values.