

How was the sun born?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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13y ago

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I'll make it easier to explain. The sun was a giant star and the star exploded so a huge mess of gasses and all these chemicals and space type minerals formed. In that mess which was HUGE... the mess took billions of years to clean up. And in the middle of that mess there was a small spark and that was the sun.. the sun is basically the inside of a star, so when a star dies or explodes on the inside there may be a sun or not. And then all the left overs from the mess were planets and the rest of the planets just got sucked into our galaxy. So there you have it if you need anymore info just look it up as "the suns birth" under images and it will you you the progress of the clean up and explosion.

Actually what is written above is not completely true. The planets were NOT sucked into the solar system. They were formed my a bunch of stuff that just kept adding on until you get a big rock which is the planet. And the sun was born by a star exploding but there is a likely chance that there will be no explosions inside the sun. And just so you know the sun does not give us heat. It gives us light which later turns into heat after it comes onto some parts of the Earth

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12y ago

The name of the sun comes from the character the comedian or edward Blake in Watchmen

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