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Q: How was the trial if Socrates similar and different to a trial in America today?
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Th life In Ancient Rome Is Similar to the life in America Today Because The Roman Roads Also Known As Straight Roads We Still Have Today.

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The colonists' reasons for coming to America is similar to those of today's immigrants because colonists' came to America for gold and riches.They also came to America because the wanted a better life.Like in today's life time,people come for a better life and good How_are_the_colonists'_reasons_for_coming_to_America_similar_to_those_of_today's_immigrants, to feed their children.This is how colonists' reasons for coming to America are similar to those of today's immigrants.

Why is Socrates remembered today?

Because He was Boss

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Socrates. Prior to doing so, he was a mason. The Academy was where Socrates established and invented the modern teaching style we use today known as Socratic Seminar-this encourages intelligent discussion of ideas, and looking at things in different angles

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How Socrates impacts us today?

The Socratic Method is still used in classrooms today.

Where did Socrates live?

Socrates lived in Athens, Greece. Very little today is known about his personal life..Athens, Greece

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they didnt use metal

How are the colonists reasons for coming to america similar to those of today's immigrants?

Like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America because they were facing persecution (or experiencing prejudice) because of their religious or cultural beliefs. Also, like many of today's immigrants, there were colonists who came to America seeking a better life for themselves and their family, and economic opportunities that were not available to them in the old country.

How british north America in 1960s was similar to Canada today?

more houses and more peopke

How British North America in the 1960s was similar to Canada today?

more houses and more peopke