

Best Answer

Use UBB code or html code.

For example, if you want to have the link link to the keywords "personalized t-shirts" you can use the following 2 ways, depending on the rule of the forum.

Html code: <a href="" >personalized T-Shirts</a>

UBB code: [url=]Personalized T-Shirts[/url]

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Q: How way you can post a forum signature link?
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In Dragon Cave, the only way you can get your eggs to grow and hatch is for people to click on or visit the link supplied by them. Find a forum site with lots of people and post it in your signature. People will click on it and you can talk to people and share your opinions at the same time! But make sure that putting it in your signature is not against the rules! There's BBC code, and HTML code. Make sure your signature is in the right code format!

How do you get more people to your site and join your forum?

That can be a difficult task, one way is to include the forum URL in your signature, for example your e-mail signature. When you send a e-mail to your friends they will see the url, and if they are interested they might join. Some people have suggested include your site or forum URL in the signature you use when you post in other forums, but that often is not a good idea, many forums frown on this, others permit it with certain conditions or guidelines. You should make sure you have permission with them if you want to do that. Google, dose offer ways to list your URL. Joining and visiting other forums is useful, if you do it wisely, look at the posts, and when you see people that are interested in topics that are also on your forum, and if you have permission, they may allow you to post a link, or post a notice about your forum. There is some forums designed, and even named promote your forum, however, also the "spammers" get the urls, and next thing you know you are getting lots of "visitors", but they are all just spam bots, and if you don't have good security you will be flooded with spam. I think the best way is invite all of your freinds, and if it is a interesting forum, they will invite more of they're friends, and so on. Be open to modifying or adding topics and categories that your new members request, to give them what they want so to speak, if possible. I could say more, but this is all ready a long answer.

How do you find out whose signature is on a baseball if you can't read the signature?

Decoding a signatureT his is not easy given the way some ballplayer's sign their names. Try to figure out the name by following the way the wrote it. The first initials can be a clue as well as how many letters are in the name. Write the name down or the different possibilities of the name. If you live near a Major League ball park check the rosters of that team for similar names from teams from the year you suspect the signature was signed. If you have no luck broaden your search. You could also post a picture of the signature on a number of memorabilia websites or forums

Do you people actually answer the questions because if you people do then I hate you?

It is unfortunate you feel that way. Yes, people do answer questions on this forum. Some answers may not be to your liking of what you want to hear, but unless you come onto the forum with an open mind that people are there to help you and give you some options then do not bother to post on a forum. You have the freedom to take the advice or not. If you receive a post that is ridiculing you or swearing at you then you have the right to complain about that post. Most on this forum are here to help and to offer solutions to problems.

How can you remove your name on the posted answer?

You can remove your name from a forum posting if you typed it into the message body itself. The only way to entirely remove your name from a post, is to delete the post itself.

How do you drive traffic from a forum?

simply check my bio i have answer for you

What is a a good way to show off your Photoshop skills?

One good way would be to look for Photoshop contests, and enter into one of them, or if you're a member of a forum which allows signature, you could make yourself a forum signature which shows off your artistic abilities. Another idea is to ask a friend for a picture of theirs, and edit it in some way, such as by making them look like a zombie, and then giving it back to them for them to show to their friends, perhaps on a social networking site.

Can you post on the Community Forum if you are in 'limited access mode'?

No, you cannot. When a user is in "Limited Access" mode, he or she cannot contribute actively to the site in any way.

How do you get a forum removed from Topix?

There is no way you can get a forum removed from Topix.

How do you remove a shifter knob on a jeep compass?

answer is at this link not a compass but is done the same way

What aspects of the Internet make it a good forum for marketing?

What aspects of the internet make it a good forum for marketing? ASPECTS OF INTERNET IN THE FORUM OF MARKETING Forum of marketing is one of the best technique to generate traffic on your website. If it is done in the correct way can take a business toward huge success. It contribute to the forum with helpful posts and have an attractive signature for your readers, they click it and land on your website. Forum Marketing is a good return on Investment technique as the time spent by you in the forums are paid back well in the form of heavy TRAFFIC.Forums acknowledge their senior members by providing them with greaterprivileges than new members. You also gain reputation as your post count in the forum increases. If you are a senior member you will be well identified and respected in the forum and people will pay more attention to your post. There are some restrictions for new users. They behave humble and polite in all your posts. They have habit of saying a generous thank you whenever someone helps you in the forum .This will go a long way towards building your connections through forum marketing .They avoid argument when someone disagrees to your post they accept it with courtesy and thank them for their opinion. They need to have a good amount of common sense and they need to be able to handle having harsh words tossed at them. They must treat all members fairly.The best characteristic of a internet products would be an overall fullfil market need for it without the product existing previously. Therefore they value customers and make them satisfied through their products quality and increase a demand and become the only source to fulfill it

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Join pimping groups and post your link in their page.