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Napoleon lost his war against Russian Empire. Hitler lost his war against USSR.

Hitler's invasion killed more than 26,400,000 Soviet people. Hitler's invasion was more bloody than Napoleon did.

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Q: How we're Napoleons invasion of Russia and Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union similar?
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What happened to Hitlers army and Napoleons when they invaded Russia?

They were both beaten by the Russian winter.

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Both were bad, but his losses in Russia were terrible.

How succersuf was napoleons invasion of Russia?

His invasion of Russia was disastrous. He lost 6,000,00+ men due to guerrilla tactics and the harsh Russian winter.

What was the nickname for Adolf Hitlers Invasion on Russia?

The code name for this invasion was Operation Barbarossa.

How were Napoleons invasion of Russia and hitlers invasion of Soviet Union similar?

Both advanced far into the interior of the country, but never took the capital. Both were defeated by the icy Russian winter. And the Russia strategy to beat them was to burn everything in their path. And no matter how strange that sounds, it is very hard to carry enough supplies for an army all the way to Russia's capital and they have to if they can't steal anything as the go. They'll be understocked when the cold comes and it becomes a death sentence.

When did Hitler's invasion of Russia take place?

Hitlers invasion of russia took place on June 22,1941 during the second world war.

How did hitlers invasion compare with Napoleon invasion of Russia?

napoleon did not invade Russia. Yes, actually, he did. The cold Russian Winter defeated Hitler and Napoleon.

How did geography affect both napoleons invasion and Hitler invasion of Russia?

Russsia's huge and if the Russian burn everything that could supply the invaders, those invaders had to carry everything with them and that is difficult.

How did geography affect both napoleons invasion and Hitler's invasion of Russia?

Russsia's huge and if the Russian burn everything that could supply the invaders, those invaders had to carry everything with them and that is difficult.