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Q: How were Ancient Egyptians treated under Persian rule?
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Were Egyptians under the control of the Persian Empire?

Egypt and Libya were part of the Persian Empire.

Did ancient Egyptians wear underwear?

No the ancient Egyptians i believe did not wear anything under there clothes. such as under wear or bras. Very good question .

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The Persian Empire, under Cyrus the Great.

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The Athenian women in ancient Athens were treated completely different from their men. They were mostly under educated and were mostly domesticated by being housewives.

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Ancient Egyptians belived that that there was life after death

Why was Darius an important person in ancient Greece?

He was determined to bring the Greek city-states under a Persian governor to stop their fighting spilling over into the Persian Empire, disrupting the peace he was trying to enforce.

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No, they didn't if they didn't buy them or copy them, they were invented in the roman empire under Caesar rule.

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These expanded under successive kings from a small state on the edge of the Aegean Sea to incorporate the Persian Empire in Asia and North Africa.

Why did the egyptians build the pyramids pointing the sky?

It's important because the ancient Egyptians can't bury the people under sand because when it ever rains it will unbury the person so they made pyramids to store mummies or other things in the pyramids

What rights did Ancient Egyptians have?

People living under the Pharaohs basically had no rights as we know them. The rulers were absolute rulers.

Who let Jews return to judah under Persian control?

Coresh (the Persian King Cyrus).