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They were either known Jews, or were ratted out by people they knew. During the beginning of the war, Jews were required to register as much by their governments. In most places, it was required by law that they mark themselves as Jews, by wearing a Star of David on their clothing. They were then rounded up and moved into Ghettos, or taken to concentration camps, where they would separate the men from the women, the elderly from the fit, the mothers and children from the single women. Then they were examined, and those who were not fit for labor were killed.

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11y ago

the Jews were separated by woman and men. If you were an elder you were sent with the woman and the babies that couldn't work to the gas chambers as soon as you got of off the train and the men and boys were sent to work camps

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12y ago

Hitler popularized the ideology that Germans were the master race of Earth and that everyone else was inferior. Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat for Germany's problems, and believed that they and any deemed as a life unworthy of living was no use beyond working in a labor camp. He basically targeted anyone who wasn't German, many of which did not have blonde hair and blue eyes. Some groups besides Jews that he targeted were the homosexuals, the blacks, socialists/communists, anyone who opposed the Nazi ideology, etc. The reason why is because he though that using these groups would help increase Germany in strength, and it did: Under Hitler, Germany was rich because all targeted groups had their property taken away from them and given to the government for military and economic reasons, then made them work in labor camps, where they did things like mining.

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11y ago

They were walled into fortified all-Jewish areas.

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Q: How were Jews separated from population centers in nazi territories?
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How were Jews separated from urban population's in Nazi territories?

Jews were barricaded into separate neighborhoods - ghettos - which were then sealed off with high walls.

How were Jews separated from urban populations nazi territories?

Jews were barricaded into separate neighborhoods - ghettos - which were then sealed off with high walls.

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When the Nazis conquered the large part of Europe, their territories incorporated the majority of the global Jewish population.

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They didn't. Only a very few Jews followed him, which is why the early Christians soon turned to non-Jewish centers of population to gain adherents. See:Why didn't the Jews believe in Jesus?

What are the killing centers that Jews were transported to?

2 lols

What was the population of European Jews in 1935?

The population of European Jews in 1935 was about 9.4 million.

Why did hittler want Jews to be killed?

he wanted his territories to be free of Jews, the killing bit came about because they had nowhere to put the Jews and nothing to feed them with.

What did the Jews do when they were in labor?

jews lived the ghetto life when they were in labor cause the natzies killed jews and they weren't meny jews to love if men in women where separated and killed

Did Hitler help the Jews?

No. He killed millions of them, tortured them and separated families.

What is the population of Jews in America?

The population of Jews in America is about 5,500,000. This is a small percentage of the total United States population (<2% US population). There are expanded estimates that say that there are an additional 2,000,000 or so Jews who do not identify as Jews on the US Census, but the accuracy of these claims is debated.

What was the Jewish population in Norway before the Holocaust?

there were 2200 Jews in Norway before 1942, 767 got deportet to KZ kamps in continental territories, usually the old and the sick. Of theese 30 survied.

In the middle east Jews and Arabs claim what?

They are claiming for the sovereignty of the occupied territories.