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Now a days, the plague is treated with antibiotics but back then science didn't have these medicines. A young french doctor survived the plague by draining the bubes and aplying hot rods. He survived so this technique was spread trough Europe and save many lives.

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Q: How were bubonic plague victims treated?
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What are the steps of the bubonic plague killing victims?

you get it

Why did people treat the bubonic plague like a joke?

No one ever treated bubonic plague like a joke.

How were bubonic plague victims buried?

They didn't bury them. They burned them on pyres.

How severe is plague?

Today the Bubonic plague isnt so severe because it can be treated by antibiotics. But the other type of plague called the Pneunomic plague spreads faster and victims will die in 2 days, symptoms of the pneunomic plague include coughing blood. However i dont know how the Pneunomic Plague started.

What made plague frightening?

The speed that Bubonic Plague overtook its victims and the gruesomeness of the death were particularly frightening, especially when the cause was unknown.

Can you prevent Bubonic Plague?

To be cured from the Bubonic Plague you can use antibiodics. In the previous bubonic plagues when it was a plague there was no cure.

Which disease gives dark splotches it formed on its victims' bodies in the 14th century?

The Bubonic Plague (Black Death).

Why were the 1300 a century of crisis?

The Bubonic Plague

What was the 2 types of plague in the black death?

There are three types:Bubonic plague has a1-15% mortality rate in treated cases and a 40-60% mortality rate in untreated cases.Septicemic plague has a 40% mortality rate in treated and 100% in untreated casesPneumonic plague has 100% mortality rate if not treated within 24 hours of infection.

How long does a person live with Bubonic plague if not treated?

Usaully,the person will died within five days.

How were plague victims treated socially?

There was no social. They were usually dead within hours.

Will the plague caused by the Black Death return again?

Isolated cases of Bubonic and Pneumonic Plague will reemerge from time to time, but it is easily treated with antibiotics.