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antigenic shift. That shift produces a new subtype that is different from the two parent viruses. When the new subtype contains genes from the human virus,a pandemic resulted because there was no immunity to the virus and no vaccine to protect against it.

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Q: How were flu pandemics created?
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How are modern pandemics different from the pandemics of the past?

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How many pandemics have there been in history?

I was really interested when I read this question as I had been researching this myself. The main pandemics in history have included:• Plague of Justinian, around 100 million died in Europe between 541 to 542• Black Death, between 50 to 200 million died of this between 1331 to 1353The recent COVID-19 Coronavirus has me concentrating on more recent pandemics, I wondered how does this compare? I found this infographic very useful for modern pandemics, this states that the pandemics of the last century were:• Spanish flu – which killed 17 million around 1918 to 1920• Asian flu – which killed 1.1 million around 1956 to 1958• Hong Kong flu – this killed around 1 million between 1968 to 1969• HIV / AIDS – this has killed 32 million people so far• Swine flu – this killed around 575,000 people between 2009 to 2010

Who are the victims of Type A influenza?

Just about anyone who gets the flu. Most of the influenza viruses that cause disease in humans are Type A influenza viruses (but not all). Type A flu viruses are also what cause pandemics in humans.

What is a pandemic flu?

Pandemic Flu Pandemic refers to contagious or infectious diseases that are usually worldwide or spread across several continents. Some examples of diseases that have caused past pandemics would be cholera, small pox, the bubonic plague, typhus, the Spanish flu, and the Asian flu. Flu refers to influenza. Human influenza pandemics, such as the 2009 novel swine flu (A-H1N1/09) pandemic, are caused by the influenza virus subtypes of A-H1N1. A-H1N1/09 is the subtype that caused this recent swine flu pandemic. It was declared a pandemic on June 11, 2009 by WHO (World Health Organisation). A flu virus that becomes prevalent throughout the world (Apex)

What is cow flu?

"Cow flu" seems to me more of a satirical sense of "illness" that is only made up by those who like to BS, after the pandemics of swine flu and bird flu that had passed around in previous years. In a more serious sense, cow flu doesn't exist. So I wouldn't worry about it.

What is Flu?

That refers to Type A influenza viruses that are common with our seasonal flu. There are two flu types that humans get: Type A and Type B. The flu vaccine contains some of both types to prevent infections from them. All of the flu pandemics we have had over history have been caused by Type A flu viruses, they are typically very easily transmitted from person to person. Don't forget to get a flu shot ASAP now that it is October - the start of the Northern Hemisphere flu season.

What is flu A?

That refers to Type A influenza viruses that are common with our seasonal flu. There are two flu types that humans get: Type A and Type B. The flu vaccine contains some of both types to prevent infections from them. All of the flu pandemics we have had over history have been caused by Type A flu viruses, they are typically very easily transmitted from person to person. Don't forget to get a flu shot ASAP now that it is October - the start of the Northern Hemisphere flu season.

When was Turk Flu created?

Turk Flu was created on 2006-11-04.

When was The Fried Chicken Flu created?

The Fried Chicken Flu was created on 2010-08-01.

What are the 3 deadliest pandemics in the world?

In reverse order from least to most deadliest The Black Death The Plague of Justinian The Spanish Flu All three killed at least 100 million people

How many plague pandemics have there been in recorded human history?

3 Major influenza Pandemics

How many peoples get the flu every year?

In normal years (without pandemics) the US has approximately 30 million cases of the flu each year and approximately 36,000 deaths. Worldwide the estimates for annual flu infections is between 340,000,000 to one billion. Of those, death is the result in 250,000 to 500,000 cases.