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Medieval churches represented a kind of doorway between Heaven and earth - and the decoration reflected this idea.

Walls, ceilings and other architectural details were decorated with carvings and paint. The nave represented Earth and was decorated with scenes from the lives of Saints, stories from the life of Jesus on Earth and the penalties for sins. The east end of the church (the chancel and sanctuary) represented Heaven and often featured Christ in Majesty or angels around the throne of God.

Having pictorial representations of The Bible stories and other religious scenes was important when most people could not read; the priest could easily illustrate his story of St Christopher by pointing out the painting of the saint located opposite the south doorway, or the tale of St Martin and the beggar, or St Gabriel appearing to the Virgin Mary and everyone could understand the stories and connect with them.

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Q: How were medieval churches decorated and why?
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Facts about medieval churches?

Medieval churches dominated peoples lives, it was oen of the most important events that people looked forward to. In every medieval church, each regions of Europe had their own chant to sing. Check out more info/facts at the website below:

What were the churches made out of in the middle ages?

What churches were made out of depended on the time and place. Many, perhaps most, churches were built of stone. In places where there was no stone, churches were often built of brick. Some churches were built of wood with timbered construction, and some of these had the open areas filled with wattle and daub, which is mats woven from reeds and covered with daub.

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