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they were attacked by soldiers setting the motte and Bailey castles alight and the castles also had pickaxes through at the door because in a matter of time the pickaxes would make a hole in the door and they could get through.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Motte and bailey castles were attacked, by usually using fire, and fire arrows! They used fire because it was easy for the castle to burn down. They would light up the wooden parts of the castle and wait for it to eventually burn down. They could also use pickaxes, becasue in just a matter of days a pickaxe would make a whole through the door if you throught one at it.

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12y ago

Motte and bailey castles were defended by a moat. This was there because attackers would have had to get through the moat first and that would give more time for the defenders to kill them with arrows. But attackers could burn down the castle as it was made out of wood. What they did was that they shot firing-arrows and that would start the fire.

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13y ago

they were attacked with fire arrows and defended with guards.

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Q: How were motte and bailey castles defended and attacked?
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motte and bailey castles were built out of wood

Information about motte and baily castles?

motte and bailey castles consist of a hill/motte, a bailey which was a living area for the soldiers and the castle which was made out of wood

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What came after the motte and bailey castle?

The castles that came after Motte and Bailey Castles were Stone Castles. This was an improvement to Motte and Bailey Castles because Motte and Bailey castles were made out of wood. Wood burns easily, rots quickly and isn't very strong. Stone castles, however were made of stone(obiously). Stone doesn't burn easily, doesn't rot and is very strong.

How do you pronounce motte from Motte and Bailey castles?

you pronounce it mot

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motte and bailey castles is called 'motte and bailey castles' because the motte is another word for the hill on which is the keep and the bailey is where all the people live in an area encircled by wooden posts which joins up to the hill

What were the first kind of castles?

the first kind of castles were moat and bailey castles.

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Stone castles, Concentric castles, Motte and Bailey Castles

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motte and bailey, stone keep castles and concentric castles

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Where did they build keeps?

They built keeps on hills like motte and Bailey castles but keeps were more different they were stronger and made of stone unlike motte and bailey castles, motte and Bailey castles were mostly made out of wood. hope this information helps !