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The plough was a gardening device. A plow wasn't.

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Q: How were new plows and hoes different during crop rotation?
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What did farmers begin to use for advancements during the middle ages?

Farmers used the following advancements during the Middle Ages: windmills, crop rotation, and iron plows.

What is it called when a farmer plants different crops in order to use less nutrients or different nutrients from the soil?

Crop rotation. If you plant the same crop year-after-year. That crop will use up all the nutrients specific to the needs of the plant. Crop rotation involves planting a different crop each year - thus the nutrients in the soil are more evenly used.

What is crop rotation and how do peanuts help it?

Crop rotation is planting different crops in different years. This prevents pulling out all the nutrients by a specific type of crop. Peanuts and other legumes help return nitrogen to the soil. Rotation improves the crop yields.

How did the crop rotation system that developed in Britain during the agriculture revolution increase crop yields?

Crop rotation system developed in Britain during agricultural revolution increase crop yields by increasing nutrients in the soil.

How did the crop rotation system that develope in Britain during the agriculture revolution increase crop yields?

Crop rotation system developed in Britain during agricultural revolution increase crop yields by increasing nutrients in the soil.

How did the crop rotation system that developed in Britain during the agricultural revolution increase crop yields?

Crop rotation system developed in Britain during agricultural revolution increase crop yields by increasing nutrients in the soil.

English scientific farmer who devised the practice of crop rotation during the 1730s?

Charles Townshed introduced the Norfolk crop rotation.

English farmer who devised the practice of crop rotation during the 1730's?

Charles Townshend invented the practice of crop rotation

Who started crop rotation during the 1730s?


How is crop rotation important to cotton farmers?

Crop rotation was important to farmers because it helped them out by making it easier to crop in the winter from different land in another state.

What increased crop production during agricultural revolution in Britain?

Farmers increased crop production during the Agricultural Revolution by using crop rotation.

During the agricultural revolution of the 18th century farmers increased the crop production?

crop rotation