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About 3.5 million were gassed.

There were a few methods of gassing the Jews. One was the gas vans, which was when the Jews were forced into hermetically sealed vans, and then exhaust gas from the engine was led into the chamber. The Jews were thus suffocated. Then came the gassing at the camps which was one of the most effective killing methods was by forcing Jews into gas chambers, where they were gassed to death using Zyklon B (and to a much lesser degree exhaust fumes). The victims were forced into the gas chamber, the door was closed and either exhaust fumes-gas was fed into the room, or or Zyklon B crystals were dropped in. In the extermination camps at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka exhaust fumes were used, while Zyklon B was used in Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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12y ago

Large numbers were gassed only at the extermination camps, which were all located in Poland. They were:

  1. Treblinka
  2. Auschwitz-Birkenau
  3. Majdanek
  4. Chelmno
  5. Belzec
  6. Sobibor

Note that Chelmno used gassing vans and did not have fixed gas chambers.

Some camps, such as Stutthof, had small gas chambers for killing prisoners who had become unfit for work.

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13y ago

they were put into gas chambers, and the gas killed them

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Q: How were people gassed in the holocaust?
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How was the people in the holocaust killed?

they were gassed to death

How did people get killed in holocaust?

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Older people were gassed as soon as practical after arrival.

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In the holocaust the corpses (dead bodies) of the victims were often cremated (burnt) after they had been gassed. It saved space.

What does it mean to be gassed?

in relation to the Holocaust it was fatal.

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No, he was gassed at Auschwitz.

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The children and the elderly were gassed.

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Most of the child victims were gassed with their mothers.

What would you do if you were in a concentration camp during the Holocaust?

you worked as a slave. or were gassed tbh

How many people were put in the gassed room all at once during the Holocaust?

The room with the largest capacity for gassing at one time held up to about 2500 people.

How did the Nazis go about exterminating the approximately million people who died in the holocaust?

First the people were gassed with Zyklon-B in the gas chambers. Then they were cremated in a crematorium or a cremation pit.