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Both asserted the independence of women.


They both challenges the idea of traditional roles for women.

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Q: How were pioneering women and flappers alike?
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How were pioneering women and flappers different?

Pioneering women were more serious than flappers

How did flappers made conflicts?

Flappers were a form of entertainment. Flappers caused conflicts because they were women who did things that were not "women-like" they were very independent.

What did the flappers represent?


Why did flappers turn to flappers?

Flappers needed to turn into flappers because they needed to show the world that men and women are equal in every way. if guys can go out in public and smoke and wear whatever they wanted then so can the women

Young women who adopted new fads and threw out old rules were called .?

flappers flappers

In the 1920s what term came to describe emancipated young women who flouted tradition?

Flappers They were called flappers.

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What the appearance and behaviors of flappers emphasized a new experience by many women?


Term used during the 1920s for young women trying to appear sophisticated in dress and behavior?

They were called flappers

Flappers were women who?

Rejected the traditional dress and actions of women of the early 20th century

What did the flappers of the 1920's represent?

Flappers were women who wore there boot straps undone. As a result the the belt like straps flapped as they walked, giving them the nickname Flappers. This was only for a rebellious stage for women which later on became a historical movement, that even Amelia Earhart supported.

Who were women who dressed in nontraditional ways called?

i think maybe flappers