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Q: How were plays conducted during greek and roman period?
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they were preformed during the year

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Which old greek plays has the oldest surviving plays?

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Answer this question… . More people attended plays.

What were the main types of Greek plays?

The three types of ancient Greek plays were comedy, tragedy, and satyr plays.

What were greek plays called?

What do you mean, what were Greek plays called? They were and are called plays. Most of them were tragedies, if that's what you mean.

During what time period were biblical stories often portrayed?

We do not have any good historical record of the growth of theater during the Early Middle Ages, but we might assume the theatrical portrayals of Biblical stories developed during this time. Certainly, by the end of the period, which dated 476-1000 or so, Miracle Plays and Mystery Plays had both started to be important. The Miracle and Mystery Plays both fell out of favor during the High Middle Ages, which dated about 1000-1300. Nevertheless, these plays continued to be performed after that, and are still performed today. One church in London had plays depicting Biblical stories during the period of the tenth through sixteenth centuries. There is a link below to an article on Mystery Plays.

What was the style of Greek plays?

The style of Greek plays are tragedies and comedies. Hoped that helped!!! ;)

What are two ancient Greek plays?

A greek comedy or a greek tragedy

What are the characteristics of greek drama?

Greek tragedies were plays that were based on myths. These plays were supposed to be performed to honor Dionysus, who is the Greek god of wine.

What type of plays made fun of Greek legends?

Satire were plays that made fun of Greek legends.

What kind of plays did the greek perform?

The most famous of all Greek plays were Drama and Satire/comedies. The most famous of Greek playwrights was Homer and Socrates.