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Q: How were poll tax and literacy tests were not a violation of the 15th amendment?
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What is the basic provision of the 15Th amendment?

it gave african americans the right to vote by getting rid of the grandfather clauses and the literacy tests which blocked them from voting

How did southern states get around the 15th amendment and restrict African American?

The 15th amendment granted every citizen the right to vote. This right was abridged by imposing poll taxes blacks often couldn't afford and requiring "literacy" tests which were rigged to prevent blacks from passing while whites were exempted from the tests.

Why did the 15th amendment fail voting rights for African Americans?

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The reason that the 15th Amendment, passed in 1870, was partially unsuccessful was mostly Southern states failed to enforce it.

What impact did the Literacy Test have on the 15th Amendment?

The 15th Amendment, passed after the Civil War in 1870, prohibits the government ... Did you know? ... In the ensuing decades, various discriminatory practices including poll taxes and literacy tests—along with Jim Crow laws, ... of the non-white population had not registered to vote and authorized the U.S. .

What were things that happened to move along the process of the 15th amendment?

the african america who born in united states want the rigt to vote and equal rigts.

The 15th amendment enabled blacks to?

The 15th amendment enabled blacks to vote.

What obstacles were put in the way to prevent African Americans from voting even after the 15th amendment and 100 years thereafter?

Laws like polling taxes, literacy tests, and many other new laws that were enacted after the 15th amendment were meant (in certain areas) to keep African Americans in subjection, and unable to change laws or affect the country. People were jailed for spurious reasons, then hired out from the jails to work land, and of course people were threatened, tortured, and killed.

What is the amendment prohibited denial of the right to vote because of race?

it was the 15th amendment

What is a grandfather clause and what was is purpose with respect to literacy tests?

A grandfather clause was added to the Louisiana constitution in 1895; Alabama, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Virginia soon added them as well. These clauses stated that any man, or his male descendants, who had voted in the State before the adoption of the 15th Amendment (1870) could become a legal voter without regard to any literacy or taxpaying qualifications.

What were some events during reconstruction?

13th amendment black codes 14th amendment civil rights act reconstruction act of 1867 johnsons near impeachment sharecropping 15th amendment tenant farming African Americans got the right to vote they got education tenant farming enforcement act amnesty act compromise of 1877 KKK white leagues Jim Crow Laws LIteracy tests Poll tax

Which amendment banned suffrage restrictions based on race?

The Fifteenth Amendment eliminated race as a restriction on voting.

What amendment protects people right?
