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Q: How were the Aztecs able to build huge pyramid structures like the Great Temple at Tenochtitl?
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How were the Aztecs able to build huge pyramid structures like the Great Temple?

the aztecs organized thousands of workers for their projects.

How were Aztecs able to build huge pyramid structures like the great temple at tenochtitlan?

the aztecs organized thousands of workers for their projects.

Did the Ancient Incas have pyramid temples?

As far as my knowledge goes, Incas did not have pyramid temples. They had a sun temple, public buildings, centeal plazas and water systems but no pyramid temples. ONly the Aztecs and Mayans had pyramid temples.

What are some of the advanced complex structures that the early Latin American civilizations built?

Some of the most complex structures are the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan in central Mexico, the Castillo at Chichen Itza in the Yucatan, the Great Pyramid in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, the Pyramid at Cholula and the Inca’s great temple at Cuzco in Peru.

Use ziggurat in a sentence?

A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped temple tower that rose above each Sumerian city

Did the Aztecs cover their temple by jelly?

No. Aztecs did not cover their temples in Jelly.

What is another name for the Temple of Saqqara?

Some called it "The Pyramid of Teti", "Mortuary Temple" and there are others who called it "Pyramid Saqqara Temple".

What do the Aztecs and mayans have in common?

sAME RELIGION? THINK AGAIN! the Aztecs and Mayas had the same thing on their pyramid. Thi sis called a temple Was that helpful? I hope so because that was about the only thing i remember!! xD

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Where do Aztecs sacrifice people?

On a sacrifice temple!!!

Name for a pyramid shaped Asian temple?

A pagoda is an Asian temple with tiered sides, often pyramid shaped

Seven structures of the ancient world?

The Great Pyramid of Giza The Temple of Artemis Mausoleum of Maussollos The Great Lighthouse The Hanging Gardens The Colossus of Rhodes The Statue of Zeus