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Toussiant Charbonneau married a Shoshone women

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Q: How were the Shoshones important to the Lewis and Clark expedition?
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What were the shoshones attitude toward the Lewis and clark expedition?

they were kinda suspicious about it they thought they were being set up on a trap

Why were seamen important in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

he did

Who went on the expedition with Lewis and Clark?

Sacagawea went with Lewis and Clark. she was invaluable to the explorers because she could translate for them in dealings with the Shoshones, whose land the expedition passed through.

Who was in charge of the Lewis and clark expedition?

Meriwether Lewis was in charge and William Clark came as his assistant. But the Lewis And Clark Expedition is still know as The Lewis And Clark Expedition.

What was probaly the most important result of the expedition?

the most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration. The expedition describes the journey of Lewis and Clark during the Louisiana

What was the most important result in the expedition?

he most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration. The expedition describes the journey of Lewis and Clark during the Louisiana

Who was the captian of the Lewis and clark expedition?

Lewis and Clark are the captains of this expedition

Was there disease in Lewis and clark expedition?

There was a disease in the Lewis and Clark expedition

Why was Sacajawea important in the Lewis and clark expedition?

your mom XD

What year was the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

Lewis & Clark began their expedition in 1804.

Was there starvation in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

yes there was starvation in Lewis and Clark expedition

What was the size of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Lewis and Clark expedition consisted of 33 individuals. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were the leaders.