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Q: How were the experiencs of the urban unemployed and rural poor similar and different during the great depression?
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How was the great depression like 2008?

The Great Depression in 2008 was similar. Except that it was a little different. There wasn't that many problems as it was back then in 1929, with the real The Great Depression.

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Well, they are both forms of depression and both show some of the same symptoms

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Both include suffering of people. The unemployed and the homeless youth both shared: looking for jobs and having a decent place to live.

How were the experiences of the urban unemployed and the rural poor similar?

Life was hardest for people in urban areas during the Great Depression. This was because they did not have the space to grow food like those in the rural areas.

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Loans for unemployed and payday loans differ in a few ways. Payday loans require a check stub from an employer. The interest rates are similar, but qualifications in some cases are lax.

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Symptoms for teen depression are very similar to the symptoms for adult depression. Withdral from people and things that they usually associate with is one symptom.

How was the Great Depression similar to and different from the economic situation of the last few years in terms of causes problems and government solutions?

the great depression is similar to the recent because the stock market crashed by people investing in things that they could not afford much like in recent years when people would build houses then not be able to may for them but it is different becdause back thern the banks would not be able to give back any money you invesated and now they have to pay you back so much. Also it is different because lately we weere in a reccesion not a depression so it was not as bad and horrible as the great depression not to mention during thatb time was the dust bowl in america and world war two that america was part of in europe

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They are different elements but they are similar in that they are both metals.

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Sometimes, yes. And both depression and pregnancy are good reasons to see a doctor, so go see one ASAP.

Are we in a depression right now and will it get like the Great Depression in 1939?

We are more in a recession, not a real depression, but it will have similar characteristics due to the government because the government will take control of everything and eliminate the middle class in a Marxist fashion. Like in the Great Depression, there is only really rich, and poor.