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Q: How were the goals of the women right movement similar to and different from those of the abolitionist movement?
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How were the goals of the women rights movement similar to and different from those of the abolitionist movement?

Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights and abolitionists include, the right to vote (suffrage); to hold public office; to work; to fair wages or equal pay

How were the goals of the women's rights movement similar to and different from those of the abolitionist movement?

Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights and abolitionists include, the right to vote (suffrage); to hold public office; to work; to fair wages or equal pay

How did the goals and strategies of the American Colonization Society differ from those of the abolitionist movement?

The goals of the abolitionist movement were to abolish slavery in the US and free all the Blacks from bondage and bring them into normal society. The American Colonization Society's goals were to reinstate the free Blacks back into Africa.However,The abolitionist movement was split on colonization. For example, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Frederick Douglas disagreed on colonization Stowe supported the colonization movement. So did Abraham Lincoln although he was not an active abolitionist.

How were the goals of women's rights movement similar to and different from those of the abolitionist movement?

Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights and abolitionists include, the right to vote (suffrage); to hold public office; to work; to fair wages or equal pay

How do old goals of womens movement of 19th century compare with goals of new womens movement in 20th century?

The goals of the women's movement of 19th century sought for equality in laws. Goals of 20th century women's movement seeks equality in workplace opportunity.

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the original Constitution and the original declaration of Independence

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What were the goals for the abolition movement?

To end the practice of slavery