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Q: How were the gods and goddess in the life of the Athens?
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Who were the patron gods or goddesses of Athens?

Athena was the patron goddess of Athens.

What gods did Athens worship?

The deity that Athens was named for was Athene, goddess of wisdom, NOT to be confused with Artimis, goddess of the hunt.

Who was the Athens greek gods?

Athena, Goddess of war and wisdom

What is the goddess- protector of Athens?

Athena, although Athens also worshiped other Greek gods and goddesses.

Where did the goddess Athena live?

The Goddess Athena lived on both Mount Olympus with the other Olympian gods and Athens, which was named after her.

Which gods were important to ancient Athens?

Athena was the most important, she was Athens patron Goddess. Poisdeon was quite important as well, seeing as he and Athena both wanted Athens, she obviously won.

Who are the god and goddess in the 'School of Athens'?

There are two 'sculptures' of gods. In the left niche is Apollo, in the right is Minerva (Athena).

Where do you find Athena?

There is a statue of her in Athens. But the goddess was said, by the ancient Greeks, to live on Mount Olympus with the other gods and goddesses.

Who were the gods and goddesses of Athens?

Well there are no set gods andgoddesses of Athens ,but Poseidon and Athena had a historic battle to see who would be the patriot of Athens. Athena won giving Athens its name because she gave Athens a olive tree providing food. oil, and water. But, Poseidon only gave them a saltwater well

Who was the patron Greek god or goddess of Megara?

Megara worshiped many gods, having temples to Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, and others.

Was Athena the goddess of Athens?

Athena is the patron goddess of Athens. Athena and Poseidon had a contest to see who gets the city named after them. Poseidon gave a salt water spring while Athena planted olive trees. To the gods or the people of Athens, depending on which version you're reading, they voted Athena's gift better. This is why Athens has its name.

Why was Persephone important to the Greek Gods?

Persephone is both goddess of spring (life) and goddess who is Queen in the Underworld (death).