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Q: How were the layers of the sun discovered?
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Who discovered gases of layers?

Layers of gases are present in atmosphere. It was discovered by Mario Molina.

Helium was discovered in the sun before it was discovered on earth. How?

Helium was discovered in the sun specroscopically

What are the sun's layers?

the outside

Is the sun made of 5 layers?

That depends how you choose to count the layers. You can find details about the individual layers in the Wikipedia article about the Sun, among other places.

Is the sun one homogeneous bunch of gas or are there layers?

There are "layers" and there is a structure.

Does the temperature in the layers of the sun's atmosphere evenly distributed?

The sun does not have an atmosphere. In the earth, the temperature in the different layers is not evenly distributed.

What is the name of the spacecraft that discovered the sun?

The space craft that discovered the Sun was called the Shwambulance.

Why are there different layers of the sun?

The sun has an extremely powerful gravitational field, and as a result, denser materials tend to fall to the lower layers.

What are the four main layers of the sun?

the four main layers of the sun are: - corona - chromosphere - photosphere - sunspots (^_^) hope I answered it correctly..

How do these layers of the flame compare to those of the sun?

because the sun is beuatiful

What element was discovered on the sun in 1868?

Hydrogen was discovered.

How many layers are there in a sun?

Nine, if you include the minor layers, See related question.