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By forcing colonists to buy goods from them. >APEX< By: Jacob Holbrook

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because it did

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Q: How were the navigation acts suppose to help England?
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Why were the navigation acts passed?

To make ensure that England benefited from the colonial trade.

How did the navigation acts help the economy?

It laid the foundation of British trade abroad and eliminated trade with other European countries between the British and American colonies.

What were the major parts of the navigation acts?

The navigation acts were a series of laws passed in English Parliament in the 1600s that restricted the use of foreign shipping gor trade between England and its colonies. it was originally used for excluding the Dutch colonists from the profits made by the English trade.

Were the Navigation Acts were helpful to the colonists?

The Navigation Acts were a series of laws imposed by Britain on its American colonies. Its main purpose was to restrict colonial trade in order to prevent the colonies from smuggling goods from other countries. All goods that were traded with the colonies had to be sent to a British port before being sent to the colonies. That way, the British could tax the goods and they could make sure that nothing was being smuggled into the colonies. The colonists were unhappy with the laws and tensions quickly emerged.

How did British economic policies and mercantilism anger American colonists?

The actions of the British such as the Acts of Trade and Navigation which only allowed the colonies trade with England caused resentment from the colonists towards the mother country England and heightened tensions between the two. Heavier taxes started being imposed after the French and Indian War in order to help out the English economy.

How did technology help navigation?

to be faster

What can auto navigation systems do for me?

An auto navigation system can help you along your drives. If you sometime need help or face difficulty on the road and need assistance, an auto navigation system will benefit your needs.

What is navigation tools?

Navigation tools are on most sites. They are used to help guide their visitors through their website and help them locate the section they are hunting.

How did the astrolabe help the navigation?

It farted

How did the compass help Columbus and his men on their journeys?

It helped with navigation.

How did mapmakers help European sailors improve their navigation?


What exactly is a car gps navigation?

A car gps navigation system is a device that is installed into your vehicle. It will help you find directions to a certain area that your are looking for.