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Q: How were the successors of emperors from Nerva through Antoninus Pius chosen?
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How were most Roman emperors chosen after Commodus' death?

The throne was sold to the highest bidder and/or the emperors were killed shortly after crowned. Legions fought for their head to be emperors.

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Where were barrack emperors chosen from in Rome?

From among the generals who offered the armies the biggest bribes-

What is a successor?

A successor is a person or thing that follows or comes after another. In a general sense, a successor is someone who takes over a role or position from someone else, often with the intent of continuing their work or responsibilities.

How were barrack emperors chosen?

They were chosen by the Army. Whoever the army thought was most likely to succeed as emperor would control them and therefore the power.

Facts about emperor?

Since you didn't name a specific person I will answer this in a general way. Emperors were seen as chosen by God and the people they ruled had no say in what they did.

Are members of the Roman Senate were chosen for life?

During the period of the Roman Republic senators were enrolled for life. Former executive officers of state were given life membership of the Senate. However, the censors could suspend or strike off senators for misconduct. During the period of rule by emperors, the emperors appointed the senators.

Is the Senate chosen by the people?

yes the people in the senate are chosen by the people through voting

Was commodus a good or bad emperor?

There were five good emperors (a term which was coined by Machiavelli and is still used). They were: Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. Although Commodus was Marcus Aurelius' son and chosen heir, he is not considered one of the good emperors. He had little interest in state administration and delegated the running of the state to his favourites. He preferred to live outside Rome, spending his time hunting. His bad rule led to several conspiracies, his assassination and the so-called Year of the Five Emperors. In this year five men fought each other to become emperors. Four of them were deposed soon after usurping the tile. The last one, Septimius Severus, managed to hold on to power. Commodus' rule was described by an ancient historian as the descent "from a kingdom of gold to one of rust and iron."

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Ninjas get chosen by god because the ninja way is passed down through generations.

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They are chosen through a election

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electors are chosen through a raffel, the ticket costs from 5-10$ usd