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Q: How were the troops made up of confederate Vicksburg?
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Where were the troops in the Battle of Vicksburg come from?

Grant's Army of the Tennessee was made up mostly of troops from the Midwest states: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. Pemberton's forces were mostly made up of local Mississippi soldiers, but also contained units from Tennessee, Alabama, and Louisiana.

What advantage was gained by the union when the confederates surrendered at Vicksburg?

Simply, the end of the war in the West, and 30,000 Confederate troops paroled and out of the fight. It meant that Grant was free to join up with the Army of the Cumberland under Rosecrans, and relieve their desperate position at Chattanooga.

What were the strategies of the confederate side in the Battle of Vicksburg?

Pemberton received contradictory orders from his immediate superiors, so he would up doing nothing. The South did not really have any coordinated strategy. Lee claimed that his invasion of Pennsylvania was an attempt to draw union forces away from the Vicksburg area, but it is more likely that he voiced that argument to Davis in an attempt to prevent his own troops from being syphoned off to relieve Vicksburg.

Why did the Confederates surrender at Vicksburg?

The Civil War battle of Vicksburg was precipitaed by Union ironclads attempting to blockade Confederate shipping on the Mississippi River. Vicksburg is situated on a bluff overlooking the river, and provided an excellent location for Confederate gun emplacements capable of destoying Union ships. For this reason, General Grant chose Vicksburg as his starting point for his campaign in Mississippi. He chose to take Vicksburg from the east, overland, as most of it's defenses were focused toward the river.

What became a major concern of General Halleck after the fall of Vicksburg?

General in chief Henry Halleck was concerned that after the fall of Vicksburg, he would need to take more troops from Grant's remaining forces to support generals Rosencrans and Burnside. He believed that if the forces of Confederate Joe Johnston joined up with General Braxton Bragg, that this would pose a threat in the West.

What happened as the Confederate troops began to overtake the Union soldiers?

you messed up girl

What led to the start of the Battle of Vicksburg?

Garnt had been ordered to hold Memphis, march down the Mississippi and join up with the forces in New Orleans. Vicksburg was the main river-port still in Confederate hands.

Who led the attempt to gain control of the southern Mississippi?

It was when what ever general it was decided to lead his troops up throughout the Mississippi up the river through confederate towns and forts only to turn back around and catch them off gaurd. Also the Siege of Vicksburg was when they took the last city/fort on the mississippi

Why was it so important for the Union Army to defeat the Confederate Army at the battle of Gettysburg in 1863?

To deny Lee the psychological triumph of having invaded the North. Also, in the run-up to the battle, to keep Lee occupied, so that he could not send troops West to help at the siege of Vicksburg.

What is the first Battle of Vicksburg?

It was the first attempt to seize Vicksburg. The offensive was carried out by Rear Admiral Farragut on May 18,1862 and reiterated on May 21 with three great sea corvettes and 6 gunboats, plus 1,500 landing troops. The attempt was beaten off by the Confederate defenders and Farragut decided to give up and retreat southward, leaving the six gunboats to watch over the fortress.

When was bodie island light house blown up?

Bodie Island lighthouse was blown up in the year 1861. It was blown up by Confederate troops, who managed to sneak into the lighthouse, which was controlled by the Union troops then.

Who locked up confederate troops to.end war?

Grant's Union Army encircled Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia a Appomattox on Apr. 9, 1865.