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Q: How were townships divided under the ordinainace of 1785?
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What the Land Ordinance of 1785 did?

It divided the Northwest Territory into townships and lots.

What problem did the land ordinance of 1785 solve?

Under this law , western lands were divided into six-mile squares called townships

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What divided western lands into townships?

the land ordinace

What divided western land into townships back in colonial days?

The Land Ordinance of 1785 provided for the land to be divided.

What did the land ordinants of 1785 do?

It divided the Northwest Territory into townships and lots.

What law divided the northwest territory into townships having 36 sections each?

The Land Ordinance of 1785.

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under the land ordinance of 1785 surveyors were divide public lands into townships, 6 miles on each side.

Why did Congress decide to pass the land ordinance of 1785 which divided western lands into townships?

Congress wanted to organize and sell the lands

According to the Land Ordinance of 1785 land in the Northwest Territory was to be surveyed and divided into 36-square mile townships. Each township was divided into 36 sections. In each township one s?

for natives

How were the western lands divide by the Ordinance of 1785?

Land was to be systematically surveyed into square townships, six miles (9.656 km) on a side. Each of these townships were sub-divided into thirty-six sections of one square mile (2.59 km²) or 640 acres.

Why was a section of public land set aside to support public schools under the Land of Ordinance of 1785?

Under the. Land of Ordinance,of 1785, surveyors were to divide public lands into townships, 6 miles on each side. This would result in a grid squares.