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For communication and transportation of troops and supplies. It heavily influenced the tactics of both armies.

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Q: How were trains used during the American Civil War?
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What material was used during the American Civil War?

For uniforms? --Wool.

Were horses used during the American Civil War?

Yes, yes they were.

The first national draft was used when?

The draft was first used during the American Civil War

Did any trains get bombed during the world war 2?

Yes. Trains all over Europe and in Asia and Japan, England and elsewhere were bombed. The saddest was when trains carrying POWs and Jews were bombed when the pilots did not know they were inside the train cars.

What was used for transportation during the 1800s?

Carriages & trains. most people used carriages. Trains were to expensive & were used by rich people.

Who wanted sugar and what was it used for during the American Civil War?

Everyone wanted the sugar. It was used for sweets, cooking, and rum.

What was the role of Virginia's American Indians during the civil war?

They were used as slaves like African citizens

What was sugar used for during the American Civil War?

Yes. Sugar cane was part of the triangular trade.

When were trains used the most?

It's hard to say... In the Civil War, trains were a big way of transporting. The same thing with WW2. But in WW1, the train was the most used transportation.

How did people use marbles during the American Civil War?

During the American Civil War, people often used marbles to play games. It is believed that many soldiers played games of cards or marbles to pass the time between battles.

Were trenches used before World War 1?

Yes. During The American Civil War and the Crimean War.

Why were drums used in the American Civil War?

Drums were used in the American Civil war, to show that the war had begun.