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Jews were forced into vans and tafter the doors had been closed, the engine was tarted. There was a hose attached to the exhaust pipe and it carried carbon monoxide into the van. It took 15-20 minutes to kill the people inside.(This method was used in Ukraine, and Poland.

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Q: How were victims killed in gas van during the holocaust?
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What was the thing that burned victims of gas chambers during the Holocaust called?

The corpses were burned in crematoria.

How many people were killed by mustard gas?

None in the Holocaust or in the Second World War. There were victims (on both the front and at home) in the Great War.

Who were killed in gas chambers?

During the Holocaust, millions of Jews, along with other groups such as Roma people, Soviet prisoners of war, and disabled individuals, were killed in gas chambers by the Nazis as part of their genocidal policies. This occurred primarily in extermination camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.

What gun was most effective in the Holocaust?

Most Holocaust victims died through gas poisoning.

Who is important that was in the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was very important during the holocaust. He killed many Jews. He poisoned them with a gas named Zyklon B.

What gas was used in order to kill Holocaust victims?

carbon monoxide

How did they execute the Jews during the holocaust?

Most were killed by poison gas, the next most common method was shooting.

During the Holocaust did the Nazis use bromine in the gas chambers?

This is the first time I've heard anyone suggest this. If you mean: did they sedate the victims before gassing them, the answer is no. According too witnesses that survived the Holocaust, they have used bromine too sedate the victims, in order too make them more cooperative.

Where did the Jews get killed?

During the Holocaust, Jewish people as well as many others were killed. Some of the terrible ways listed include gas chambers, fires, gunshots, and more.

How many Jews were killed of typhoid disease during the Holocaust?

a liitle less than have the Jews were killed some were in gas chambers, others murdered, and some died in war.

Which method of extermination killed the most people in the Holocaust?

poison gas.