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they weren't treated with respect

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Q: How were visitors treated in Sparta?
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Did Sparta welcome visitors to their city?


How are slaves in Sparta treated in Sparta?

In Sparta, slaves were known as helots and were considered the property of the state. Helots were subjected to harsh treatment, forced labor, and were often mistreated by their Spartan masters. They lived in a state of perpetual servitude and had limited rights and freedoms.

Did Sparta or Athens like visitors?

Athens, Sparta was a war infested land. Bred only with the pure Sparta blood.

How were women slaves treated in Sparta?

Women and slaves were treated unfairly because they were not allowed to be citizens,vote, and did not have any rights.there were no slaves in Sparta, and the women were treated with dignity.

How were women and slaves treated in Sparta?

Women and slaves were treated unfairly because they were not allowed to be citizens,vote, and did not have any rights.there were no slaves in Sparta, and the women were treated with dignity.

How were non citizens treated in Sparta?

Not good

Did Sparta citizens enjoy traveling and visitors from other polis?

Sparta would not let its citizens travel to other cities unless they were fighting

How were woman and slaves treated in Sparta?

they treat them like crapp :)

How were women in Sparta treated?

Women were treated in Sparta very well compared to its neighboring sisters of Athens. They allowed much more freedom and dominated society even when men were at war.

Was Sparta such a disciplined society?

Sparta was a disciplined society. It was very caught up in war and had some of the best soldiers that were trained starting at seven. They did not even allow visitors or outsiders to come in Sparta, and allowed none of it's citizens to get out.

Why did Sparta not welcome visitors from other cities or allow their citizens to travel?

Because Sparta was very ancient. They would believe the gods would get angry with them and stop with there services. The Spartans were very mush set-in-their-ways and traditions and did not favor change.

Are visitors allowed while in a psychiatric unit?

Depending on the nature of the unit, what sort of patients and pathologies are treated there, visitors to the unit are indeed allowed. Visits to patients are usually conducted off the unit, but not always.