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Q: How were non citizens treated in Sparta?
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How were women slaves treated in Sparta?

Women and slaves were treated unfairly because they were not allowed to be citizens,vote, and did not have any rights.there were no slaves in Sparta, and the women were treated with dignity.

How were women and slaves treated in Sparta?

Women and slaves were treated unfairly because they were not allowed to be citizens,vote, and did not have any rights.there were no slaves in Sparta, and the women were treated with dignity.

Is Sparta a direct or representative democracy?

Neither. Sparta was an oligarchy where nobles of a certain rank had direct power of the citizens and non-citizens (helots) in Sparta. Citizens who were not from these noble families and non-citizens had no power to promote their views.You are likely thinking of Athens which was a direct democracy.

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Why are non-citizens and Us citizens treated differently?

Treated differently in what regard? Many US citizens would argue that, in some respects, non-citizens are even more privileged than they are. In many cases the only privilege that a non-US-citizen doesn't enjoy is the right to vote in a US election.

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being slayers and have to do all the work

Why do you think they lived in Athens and not in Sparta?

Who is they. The citizens of Sparta lived in Sparta. The citizens of Athens lived in Athns. Each preferred their own city, which is why they were citizens of that city.

How are slaves in Sparta treated in Sparta?

In Sparta, slaves were known as helots and were considered the property of the state. Helots were subjected to harsh treatment, forced labor, and were often mistreated by their Spartan masters. They lived in a state of perpetual servitude and had limited rights and freedoms.

Is it in Sparta or in Athens that only men could be citizens of a polis?

in Sparta were only free men citizens?

Which had citizens as the upper class between Sparta and Athens?

Athens had citizens as the upper class Sparta's upper class was called equals not citizens.

What controlled citizens of Sparta?

An assembly of the Spartan citizens.

How were visitors treated in Sparta?

they weren't treated with respect