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The citizens (Spartiates) voting in their Assembly.

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Q: Who were the real rulers of Sparta?
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What are What are facts about Sparta?

they had great and powerful leaders and rulers

What was the characteristics of Sparta rulers?

They were cruel, and unfair. Sparta was a terrible place that believed only in war and fighting.(that is where we get the word spar from.)

Who were the rulers of Athens Persia and Sparta?

This changed over the centuries. Sparta was ruled by two kings, a council. and an assembly Athens was ruled first by a king, then an aristocracy, then by a tyrant, then by an assembly of the people. Persia was ruled by a king and his council.

Is Sparta the demon real?

obviously not. demons are fake. as are wizards and dragons.

When was Leonidas born and died?

Leonidas is considered one of the legendary rulers of Sparta. It is estimated he was born circa 540 B.C. and died in 480 B.C.

Is there proof that Sparta is real?

What kind of a question is that!?Try telling it to the inhabitants of modern Sparta that they don't actually exist. ANSWERYes there is ancient acropolis in Sparta,temple of Arthemis Orthia, Menelaion,graves etc

Who is dominique wilkins real father?

willie james ruff sparta ga

Was Spartans real?

yes it is real. Sparta is a city-state of ancient Greece in the southeast Peloponnesus. Settled by Dorian Greeks, it was noted for its militarism and reached the height of its power in the sixth century B.C.. but remember the people in Sparta don't belive in mercy.

Who were the real leaders of Athens?

Pericles was considered one of the greatest rulers.

Where Sparta and Athens enemys?

Yes, because Sparta and Athens were once allies but then Athens turned on Sparta and Sparta responded with war.

What rhymes with Sparta?

Not any real words but Carta, Farta, there not actually words nut they sound like it!

What are Ancient Sparta laws and rulers?

one law is you must steal but never get caught or Ill be humiliated and servilely punished Yes, BUT - Spartan boys were never fed enough, the were kept hungry. To satisfy their hunger they had to steal food (money had no real value in Ancient Sparta - being made of iron and dipped in vinegar - so there was no point in stealing money) to eat. If caught, there were punished. BUT NOT FOR STEALING, rather they were punished for BEING CAUGHT - stealth being the ultimate goal of learning how to steal.The life is tough in Sparta because they used to trained the girls in early age to get a better broom.